Success in global markets demands global talent. Breaking down the barriers in acquiring that talent is a must.
By the end of 2019 Farmable’s product was gaining traction, particularly in Australia, Germany and the UK. Lars Petter Blikom, CEO of Farmable, recalls, “We were ready to start ramping up market awareness of the product, but that meant finding a dedicated Marketing resource with the skills to take us to the next level.”
The hunt was on to find a marketing professional, with startup experience, a global mindset and an interest in agriculture or sustainability. That’s a pretty tall order to fill on a startup budget and without a dedicated HR resource to lead the process. If you are a small business based in Norway, where do you go to recruit international talent?
“I was participating in a networking event at Charge Incubator, which supports foreign entrepreneurs in Oslo, when I was introduced to a founder named Jyoti Sohal-David,” recalls Kaye Hope, Farmable’s CCO. “Jyoti herself is Indian-Norwegian and profoundly understands the need for international talent in Norway.” Sohal-David founded a business called Skillfugees in 2019, later rebranded as Skillhus, which is on a mission to support skilled foreigners in Norway find their way into meaningful careers.
“Skillhus is precisely what Norwegian small businesses targeting international markets have been missing to support their recruitment process,” says Hope. “Within minutes of the meeting, Skillhus had a shortlist of candidates for our team to consider for the marketing role.”
Fast forward 3 weeks, and Farmable is the latest happy customer of the agency. “The time from meeting Skillhus to hiring was 17 days,” explains Hope. “This is a much more dynamic agency than traditional recruitment.” The new hire Vidhi Kumar, an Indian native, joined Farmable in June 2020 as Chief Marketing Officer. Not surprisingly, Kumar has a CV packed with startup experience and leadership roles in cross-cultural teams.
“Our vetting process gives us the opportunity to get to know candidates on a much more personal level. We learn about their interests and what makes them stand out. This allows us to match candidates with roles and companies that align to their strengths,” says Jyoti Sohal-David
“From the moment I started interacting with Skillhus I felt they had a very different approach. Jyoti took the time to get to know me as a person and my aspirations, before connecting me to a role in the space I was looking for,” says Kumar.
Success in global markets demands global talent. Breaking down the barriers in acquiring that talent is a must. Businesses like Skillhus are solving a problem that transcends the international community, positively impacting the Norwegian economy, and the startup businesses that fuel its future.