Farmable Free
Farmable Pro
Field Map
Map your fields
Import field maps
Overview of activities per field
GPS tracking of jobs
Task management: Plan and assign jobs
Harvest scheduler
Spray & fertilizer documentation
Custom job types
Notes with GPS-location & photos
Monitoring note for scouting
Share with advisor
Harvest log
Yield overview per field and variety
Product lists
Own a list of treatments for spray & fertilizer jobs
Integrated products lists, e.g. German BVL-list, Spanish SIEX-list
Alerts & Decision Support
Product label warning when creating a job
Hazard warnings on field map (withholding period & re-entry interval)
Delta T graph & hints for spray decision making
Compiled logs of jobs and harvest
Download audit-ready reports (PDF)
Export lists of jobs and harvest (.csv and .xls)
Connect weather stations
Product Inventory Management
Real time product inventory
Product inventory reports
Digital punch clock & timesheets
Team management
Automatic allocation of hours and labour costs per field and task
List export of timesheets for payroll
Register sales of harvest
Automatic allocation or revenue per field & variety
Traceability from customer to field
Unlimited Invite team members
Lists of equipment, machinery, causes, harvest boxes
Large farms / Cooperatives
Unified dashboard of all farms
Combined jobs and harvest logs for all farms
Plan and send treatments to all farms
Customer support
Personal support & chat
Help center & video tutorials
Onboarding (online meetings)
Custom 1-on-1 onboarding