Award-winning Australian business is streamlining farm audits
Learn more about how Manbulloo farm managers are leveraging technology to reduce time and stress associated with farm audits.
Manbulloo is the leading grower of Kensington Pride mangoes across Australia. The business consists of seven family-owned mixed mango and avocado farms. Just one of these farms is home to 65,000 mango trees, to give you an order of magnitude of the operation. Together with Managing Director Marie Piccone, the team has been leading mango production in Australia since 2005.
An app for automated logs
Despite having farms located in remote areas of Northern Australia, the business is overcoming obstacles with network connectivity to leverage technology. Back in 2020, Farm Managers, Rory Nunes and Andrew Crebert, started to use the Farmable App to automate their spray reporting.
“I save 2 ½ hours every time we do a spray“, Andrew reports.
Today, the team is using the Farmable App across all 7 farm sites to gather and organize data on their different operations. With a standardized set of records for activities such as spraying, fertigation, and harvesting, more benefits are being unlocked for Manbulloo.

From Automated Logs to Simplifying Audits
Well-organized farm data across 7 farms puts Manbulloo in a strong position to make data-driven business decisions and improve its administration processes. In 2023, the team became an early customer of the Farmable Advisor Hub. The Advisor Hub is a web-based, desktop tool that Farm Managers, Quality Control Managers, and Advisors can use to review data across multi-site farming businesses.
Rory Nunes, Farm Manager at Manbulloo’s Pin Road farm, discovered that the farm audits at Manbulloo could benefit from the data stored in the latest desktop tool. Previously, an upcoming farm audit would mean hours of time spent collecting and verifying paper copies of logs or reconciling spreadsheets. Reviewing all this data with an auditor would mean several hours of meetings for both Rory and the auditor.
“I save about 10 hours per audit, plus a lot less stress,” shares Rory.
During a recent Freshcare audit, Rory reckons he saved at least 10 hours of work by having the spray logs for all 7 sites available in a single tool. Beyond the work hours, he highlights the importance of reducing stress.

The Benefits of Well-Organized Data
The number one time-waster on farms these days is documentation, and making strides to reduce this waste requires people willing to try new ways of working. The team at Manbulloo deserves high recognition for making a plan to get away from paper and spreadsheets. In return, they have achieved what many farming businesses struggle to obtain: usable, well-organized data.
The benefits already being experienced by the team include the following:
- Access to having all farm data in one place
- Verifying historical records is quickly and easily
- 10+ hours of time savings in audit processes
- Auditor themselves experience an easier audit process
“I can pull a report a few days before an audit and feel prepared”

Learn More: Farmable Advisor Hub
The Farmable Advisor Hub allows businesses like Manbulloo to easily aggregate farm data, saving significant time on administration work. With up-to-date information, farming businesses can make informed decisions while being prepared for compliance audits.
Current features include:
- Dashboard overview gives a birds eye view of farm data for all the farms in your network.
- Stay updated on specific farms through notifications of recent events on each farm.
- Easily build and export aggregated reports for crop treatments and harvest totals.
- Quickly view recently accepted, recommended, planned, or completed jobs on a requested farm
- Share treatment recommendations with the seasonal planner to one or many farms
“No farm manager wants to spend their time on paperwork. It's our job to offer solutions to simplify compliances for the farm”, shares Farmable CEO, Lars Blikom.
Farmable builds tools to simplify compliance for farming. The Farm Manager isn’t the only person that can benefit from the platform. If you work in Quality Assurance, Agronomy Consulting or in a Farming Cooperative, the Farmable Advisor Hub can simplify compliance work for you and your team.
Do you know a farm or farming business that could benefit?
Contact Russell Davison,, to discuss how to get started with well-organized farm data for your business.